
Reach Your Representative Association : AIGETOA

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Publishing of Inter BA OTP Requests

Inline with the discussions with AIGETOA Kerala on multiple occasions and in minuted agenda meeting, Circle Management has published the Inter BA OTP transfer requests. Letter and list attached. We express our gratitude to our respected CGMT and Sr. GM HR/Admin & HR section for clear information.

Changes if any noted may kindly be communicated to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Any information from any executive that need to be taken with Circle management may kindly be informed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to any Office Bearer of AIGETOA Kerala.

The publishing of lists is the first step to Transparency and as committed, AIGETOA will strive to make the same in all Transfer and Postings.

The postings of our new set of executives also underway after their field training. Our CS and team already have discussed with respected CGMT and Sr.GM HR/Admin in this regard. We are expecting the results soon.



Posting of Executives in Mobile Services , Kerala

AIGETOA-Kerala submitted letter to CGMT, BSNL Kerala appealing for the transparent norms to be adopted during postings in Mobile Services.

Click Here For Letter


Submission on SDE Reversion

AIGETOA Kerala gave a submission to Circle Management on the leftout DPC of SDE executives who are not promoted in the recent SDE to AGM Promotions. The plight of the executives and their denied justice was detailed. Sr. GM HR/Admin, informed that the matter will be escalated to BSNL Corporate after studying the submission.

Click Here For Letter


Deferment of Protest Program

Inline with the positive assurances from respected CGMT BSNL Kerala, the protest programs called by AIGETOA Kerala stands deferred.
Letter submitted to Circle Administration attached


Meeting with Circle management w.r.t. the ongoing Protest Program of AIGETOA, Kerala

In response to the ongoing protest program and Lunch Hour demonstration held on 13/02/2023 by AIGETOA, Kerala at CO TVM, a series of telephonic discussions had ensued between AIGETOA and Circle Management. In continuation with the same and as directed by our respected CGMT, AIGETOA team attended a meeting at Circle Office, Trivandrum on today ( 16/2/2023) under the chairmanship of CGMT BSNL Kerala Sri B Sunil Kumar, ITS. Sr. GM HR/ Admin Sri Sathesh was also present in the meeting. Association side was represented by Chairman Sri Saheer, CS Sri. Maxmilan, and ACS Sri Dipu Chandran.

The AIGETOA team apprised the CGMT about the anguish in the mind of Trainees who were posted outside their BA. We have detailed about the changes which we vouched for in HR front -particularly the Transparency in the implementation of Transfer and postings, after AIGETOA became the representative executive association.  We have also shared various instances in which the Circle management got misleading information. We also requested our CGMT to consider the retention posting of remaining 10 trainees in their BAs, i.e. at Kozhikode and Malappuram. We also requested to publish all pending OTP inter BA transfer requests and expedite the process of request transfers.

The meeting was concluded in a very positive and cordial atmosphere. After detailed deliberations, the following assurances were given by respected CGMT Sri. B Sunil Kumar ITS:

1) The retention posting of left out Trainees in their BAs can be done during their final posting. Management will make all out efforts to consider the same.

2) Inter BA OTP request list will be published soon and processing of request clearances will start immediately.

Later we had a detailed meeting with Sr. GM HR/Admin at his chamber. In the meeting we discussed about the relieving of Rule-8 transfer cases which were approved already. We also discussed about the further processing of remaining ones. Sr. GM assured us that the orders will be issued soon and assurances given earlier will be followed.

We have also raised the concern of those executives working in SDE cadre but who were left out in the recent SDE to AGM DPC on account of reversion related matter. We submitted a detailed letter in this regard. GM assured us that the matter will be escalated to corporate office after checking the submission.

We wholeheartedly thank our respected CGM and Sr.GM HR /Admin for considering the genuine concerns from employees and for the assurance that transparency will be ensured in all HR matters.

Team AIGETOA Kerala


Lunch Hour Demonstration at Kerala BSNL CIrcle office, Thiruvananthapuram

A Lunch demonstration was conducted at Kerala BSNL Circle office, Thiruvananthapuram on 13/02/2023. The Protest program was done against the biased attitude of Circle management by adopting pick and choose method of posting new JTO executives without any rationale.

Circle President Sri. Mohammad Ali Inaugurated the program. Circle Secretary Sri. Maxmilan K Circle Chairman Sri Saheer S and Assistant Circle Secretaries Sri Anoop Das and Cijo, delivered the speeches.

Glimpses of the Event

LHD Saheer LHD AnoopDas
LHD Cijo LHD Others
LHD Others

Promotions are not Punishments

LHD against wrongful Postings of LICE JTOs


Notice for Organizational Protest Actions against the Biased Postings of New JTOs

AIGETOA Kerala served notice for Organizational Protest Actions  against the Biased Postings of  New JTOs. ( Letter ).  Even though We acknowledge that the BSNL Circle management has to a certain extent relooked in to the issue and on the basis of clear understanding of  our stand has issued modified Orders. But at the It is highly regrettable  state that management have failed to see broader aspect and genuine inputs involved in the postings and the apprehensions involved in the recent field postings of  new JTOs. We stand to oppose the manner in which these remaining 10 new JTOs are placed / disturbed from their Home BA while there are ample vacancies available in their BAs  and We demand the following

Posting of Remaining New JTOs to their Home BAs

Publishing of Inter BA OTP transfer requests & initiate the processing

A   Lunch Hour Demonstration will be conducted at Circle Office, BSNL Trivandrum on 13-02-2023. Further programs will follow if justice is not rendered.



Promotions Cannot be marked as tool for Displacement

AIGETOA Kerala placed it's strong protest against the displacements from existing BAs for Field Training of new JTOs. We had a series of meetings with GM HR and CGMT BSNL Kerala in this regard for last few days. Despite clear assurances from the management in the meetings with recognised executive association, the deviation made is not acceptable. It is quite disheartening to see that some self proclaimed corners have supported and advocated for such unrest , by seeing the trainees orientation towards AIGETOA. When management gone against their own commitment, these proclaimed corners stooped into such a low level that only the few cases which was already recommended medical & small kid considerations through RTTC principal need to be done. Their age old tactics of deriving Gains from other's Misfortunes is now out and public.

AIGETOA cannot stop by getting only a few cases , as We need all the newly promoted executives to be posted to their requested BAs. While the Management trying new JTOs to make for filling up deficit BAs, we made it clear that existing transparent policies and guidelines cannot be diluted. AIGETOA stand is clear that deficit manpower BAs may be addressed through long stay after considering OTP Transfer requests ( where list publishing is still awaited) and this can be implemented in forthcoming March. Hence we suggested that all the affected candidates are to be posted in their Home BA / requested BA itself in As Is Where Is basis. Even this is the simple and fool proof method being adopted by BSNL Corporate Office itself in promotion orders issued for SDEs and AGMs.

Pick and Choose method from among the affected candidates which is being offered as an interim measure by Management is clear case of Biased attitude. Today (4th Feb 2023) this Association once again deliberated the same with respected CGMT & Sr. GM HR/Admin BSNL Kerala, wherein AIGETOA has firmly reiterated our stand that no new JTOs can be made as sacrificial lambs for protecting long stay people from displacement.

Later on a direct hearing from Respected CGM Sir and association to break the impasse, Our OBs argued vehemently with the management to not disturb the new aspirants in executive hierarchy. AIGETOA left from the meeting by making its stand clear that AIGETOA shall not concede until the entire affected cases are resolved in total.

We appeal to our other Association, that instead of taking side with management and hoping to reap membership by putting the new JTOs in unwarranted hardships, they may please show the boldness to fight for the affected executives. It is easier to fight in WhatsApp and blow trumpets on somebody else’s efforts. But it requires nerves of steel to fight for Justified cause and protect the eligible new JTOs.

We don’t take any heed of the continuous negative campaigning through social media being undertaken from the opposite camp. Our Struggle is with the Management and will continue until the goal is reached and Justice is rendered


Update on New JTOs postings

Team AIGETOA Kerala led by Circle Chairman Sri. Saheer S , met GM HR/Admin today morning in continuation with our deliberations on last Friday and Saturday. We have made the submissions ( Click here for the letter ) once again and requested circle management to reconsider the postings positively. After detailed discussion case by case and various expected scenario, we hope that favourable result will be there.


Heartfelt Condolences & Prayers

Ansal Father Demise

With Profound Grief and Sorrow,We regret to inform you that Sri. C H Mohammed 73 years, Patla, Kasaragod ( Father of Sri.Ansal Mohammed C H, Convener AIGETOA Kerala) left for his heavenly abode

We pray to God Almighty to give strength to his Dear and Loved ones, to get through this difficult and testing time.

May God rest his soul in peace



Minuted Agenda Meeting with the Recognised Majority Association : AIGETOA

The minuted agenda meeting with at Circle level with BSNL Kerala Circle Management and the Recognised Executive Association, AIGETOA held today (27/1/2023) at O/o CGMT, BSNL Kerala, PMG Junction, Trivandrum.

Respected CGMT Sri B Sunilkumar ITS chaired the meeting. GM HR Sri R Sathesh, DGM HR Sri Muraleedharan, SE Sri. Syamlal also attended from Management side. Association was represented by Circle Secretary Sri Maxmilan K, Circle President Sri M C Muhammadali, Circle Finance Secretary Sri Pramodh KJ, Circle Chair man Sri. Saheer S and Asst Circle Secretaries Sri Dipu Chandran, Sri Vipal Prem , Sri. Anoopdas , Sri Sambhu Chandran.

CGMT Agenda 27012023
CGMT Agenda 27012023

The agenda points were discussed in detail including other related Operational & HR matters. The meeting lasted for 1&3/4 Hrs and concluded at 4.45 pm.
Click here for the letter submitted on Agenda point's

Minutes will be issued by Circle Management Important details will be shared with employees soon

Team AIGETOA Kerala


Meeting of New JTO trainees at RTTC TVM by Team AIGETOA Kerala

Team AIGETOA comprising of Circle President Sh Muhammadali MC , Circle Secretary Sh Maxmilan K , Circle Fin Secretary Sh Pramodh K J , Vice presidents Sh Anil Kani and Prajeesh P , Asst Circle Secretaries Sh Abdul Basith PK , Sh Vipal Prem , Sh Dipu Chandran , Sh Cijo P Joseph , Sh Anoop Das , Sh Sambhu Chandran along with Chairman Sh Saheer S , Convenor Sh Ansal Mohammed CH addressed the new JTO trainees at RTTC Trivandrum Auditorium on 19.01.2023. The session was attended by over 80+ trainees.

Ld1 DL1
Ld3 LD4

A detailed interactive session with the trainees was also conducted which was well received by all participants. The team emphasised upon the efforts taken by AIGETOA on issues related to Pay, Pension and Promotions.

AIGETOA Kerala extends a warm welcome to all the JTO Trainees to Executive Fraternity and extends the good wishes for their glorious future ahead.

Team Aigetoa Kerala


BSNL CO issues instructions for collection of Higher Pension Options for eligible EPF account holders

As per discussions of AIGETOA Team and BSNL representative with Central PF authorities and thereafter subsequent discussions with PGM (CA) BSNL CO with AIGETOA Team, the letter for collection of Options for Higher Pension EPF options has been issued today. The CHQ Team of AIGETOA as per the decision taken in the meeting, collected all the data of other PSUs and submitted those to the CAA section based on which the letter has been issued.

Issuance of directions to the circles with regard to collection of Joint Option Forms was most crucial keeping in view the limited window extended by Honble Supreme Court.

It will be worth to mention that Kerala AIGETOA Team was a party in the Court case at Honble Supreme Court after winning the case at Hon'ble Highcourt Ernakulam. The AIGETOA CHQ team has been consistently following up the matter with EPFO, arranged a tri party meeting with BSNL, EPFO and AIGETOA, did an interactive session on the matter for the knowledge of all the EPF Account holders so that they can take an informed decision.

Team AIGETOA is consistently monitoring the progress to ensure that all the willing persons submit their options well in time and the joint options gets processed at BSNL and submitted to EPFO well within the limited time window.

Click here for the letter


Kerala Circle

Office Bearers

Circle President
Sri. Muhammad Ali M C
Circle Secretary
Sri. Maxmilan K
Circle Finance Secretary
Sri. Pramod K J
Circle Vice President 1
Sri. Anil Kani
Circle Vice President 2
Sri. Prajeesh P
Assistant Circle Secretary 1
Sri. Abdul Basith P K
Assistant Circle Secretary 2
Sri. Dipu Chandran
Assistant Circle Secretary 3
Sri. Vipal Prem
Assistant Circle Secretary 4
Sri. Cijo Joseph P
Assistant Circle Secretary 5
Sri. Anoop Das
Assistant Circle Secretary 6
Sri. Shambhu Chandran
Trivandrum Circle Office

Circle Office

Sri. Dilshad S
Mob: 9446468484
Sri. Dr. Sathyajose S L
Mob: 9447753571
Finance Secretary
Sri. Aravind. M
Mob: 9447963221
Trivandrum SSA


Sri. Praveen Prakash M J
Mob: 9495989699
Sri. Sreejith S V
Mob: 9449014055
Finance Secretary
Smt. Divya C K
Mob: 9446151150
Kollam SSA


Sri. Binu S
Mob: 9446609999
Sri. Anoop B
Mob: 9449823152
Finance Secretary
Sri. Rahul Ramachandran
Mob: 9449122406
Pathanamthitta SSA


Mob: 9447701525
Sri. Manoj T
Mob: 9446410257
Finance Secretary
Sri. Dileepan P Y
Mob: 9496326678
Kottayam SSA


Smt. Lovely Joseph
Mob: 9446578515
Sri. George Johns Parapura
Mob: 94467755440
Finance Secretary
Sri. Ashley P Thomas
Mob: 9400100264
Alappuzha SSA


Sri. Jayaprakash O S
Mob: 9446555455
Sri. Anoop Das
Mob: 9446863000
Finance Secretary
Sri. Ratheesh Ponnappan
Mob: 9447660660
Ernakulam SSA


Smt. Shini K R
Mob: 9447004900
Sri. Nikesh V K
Mob: 9448112505
Finance Secretary
Sri. Tony Thomas
Mob: 9809516686
Thrissur SSA


Sri. Jayadevan C V
Mob: 9447055322
Sri. Chandra Kumar O B
Finance Secretary
Sri. Anand Ramakrishnan
Palakkad SSA


Sri. Niaz S
Mob: 944378789
Sri. Ponpradeep P M
Mob: 9446303077
Finance Secretary
Sri. Unmesh A
Mob: 9446554737
Malappuram SSA


Sri. Ajeeb V I
Mob: 9434737500
Sri. Faisal Elattuparambil
Mob: 9446055520
Finance Secretary
Sri. Vivek Janardhan
Mob: 9483505521
Kozhikode SSA


Sri. Binoj C B
Mob: 945667666
Sri. Anurag M
Mob: 9446400440
Finance Secretary
Sri. Praveen Das P
Mob: 9446551066
Kannur SSA


Sri. Firaz T Abdulla
Mob: 9446090400
Sri. Riyas K
Mob: 9483506602
Finance Secretary
Sri. Priyadarsan P
Mob: 9423885532


Sri. Dilip Thomas
Mob: 9446304588
Sri. Mohammed Shaiju K A
Mob: 9446473706
Finance Secretary
Sri. Abdul Muneer P
Mob: 9746563915
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