AIGETOA Kerala submitted the agenda points letter for Q/E 30/6/2023 for the minuted Agenda meeting with BSNL Kerala Circle Management under the esteemed chairmanship of our CGMT. Click here for the letter submitted
Our Circle Secretary Sri. Maxmilan K along with Circle Chairman Sri. Saheer S, met Sr. GM HR/Admin Sri. Sathesh R on 01.06.2023 and held discussions on the following matters.
1. Recent Inter BA Transfers & pending requests
2. Pending Rule-8 Cases
3. Early clearance of EPF Pension portal approval
After detailed discussions and deliberations, the following decisions are reached upon. The submissions made on the matter of transfers will be considered positively. The processing of Rule-8 cases will be done on phased manner and medical issues will be given priority. We will be meeting respected CGMT also soon for Rule-8 cases soon
Inline with the hectic efforts from AIGETOA both at CHQ and Circle level, the preliminary documents and outline for online option for EPF higher pension on actual wages are ready. Today BSNL corporate office issued the document format of 26(6) joint option request submission. Click here for the letter
Accordingly all those intended to give higher pension option are requested to download the same from attendance portal and submit the 26(6) joint option form duly signed immediately to BA HQ so as to reach the same to Circle Office on or before 27/4/2023. The filled up forms will have to be taken to Circle office by person by hand/ early courier and the same after signing by Employer (Circle DDO) need to be submitted to EPF Office and One copy back to employee to so as to submit it in the online link. Employees are also requested to write their mobile number and email id at the back side of each 26(6) Joint option form so that the signed and scanned copy by the employer can be sent to each employee which will help to minimise the delay.
Documents required / To be made ready for EPF Higher Pension Option online submission
1. EPF Passbook PDF copy <250 kb ( atleast first and last page ) showing Name, UAN, EPF Account and PF Account Balance. The balance shown at Employee EPF and Employer EPF ( without present EPS portion) need to be summed up for total PF Balance.
If any one have more than One EPF account linked with UAN and where the balance is not transferred, both the EPF balance can be summed and can be entered by alongwith merged passbook pages
2. Download the 26(6) compliance certificate from ESS portal and merge it with the scanned copy of 26(6) joint option request signed by employee and employer <250 kb.
3. Scanned PDF copy of signed undertaking by employee for accepting differential contribution.<250 kb
Alongwith, the following information may be made ready while going to fill up the online link.
1. UAN
2. Aadhar Number
3. Aadhar linked mobile number
4. EPF linked bank A/c Number
5. IFSC code of bank
6. Service history details
Kindly note down the acknowledgement number and download the document after successful submission
It's a great pleasure for AIGETOA to inform you all that, Now all EPF/EPS enrolled Employees can exercise their joint option under para 11(3) and 11(4)of EPS-1995 for full pension in the online link
EPFO made the changes as per verdict of Hon. High Court of Kerala Judgment on Saheer S V Union Of India WPC (C) 8979/2023, and AIGETOA the recognised executive association (through WPC 11554/2023) to modify the online mechanism pertain to 26(6) approval with in 10 days from the order else collect the of physical options. Accordingly EPFO now modified earlier mandatory field of approval of 26(6) made as non mandatory, so that all interested eligible EPS-995 enrolled persons can submit their option successfully
It is a pride moment for AIGETOA and employees in BSNL that, we the employees of BSNL made it possible to overcome the hindrance created by EPFO
Kind Attention
AIGETOA soon will be calling General Meeting for all to explain the modalities for submission and till then all are advised to get ready EPF option documents/dates and Don't Submit the option and may just Save the same in the option link if needed.